Its easy to get excited just by looking at his career statistics. His career batting average is above 280. He usually hits well over 30 home runs a year as well as over 100 RBIs. These are incredible numbers and the best part about it is the Tigers have two guys on their team who can put up these numbers. With Cabrera and Fielder hitting back to back in the middle of the Tigers order things get very scary for opposing pitchers. I can also guess no one is happier than Cabrera who wont be intentionally walked nearly as much with Prince standing in the batters box.
Now not only are Prince's stats amazing, but I love his enthusiasm on the field. Last year Prince's former team became famous for their Beast Mode move and Prince seemed to be the center of this excitement. For those of you that don't know what this move is here is a picture of Prince back in Milwaukee.
Now as many of you may know baseball can be dull and it is great for fans to have someone who provides some excitement. Miguel Cabrera is also great at having fun on the field always seen messing around with other guys on the field. I think this is great for team moral and gets all the players more excited to play. I saw this part of Prince's personality already in a Tigers uniform when he was one of the first ones on the field to celebrate with Austin Jackson after his game winning hit today.
I can't wait to see the Success the Tigers will have with Prince Fielder on the field. I have to admit I am a bit worried about his health in the last few years of the contract, but I know we have a great player for at least the next 6 years. For the time being I don't think the move could have been better for the Tigers and I can't wait to watch these two play together this season.
Couldn't have said it better myself! I was shocked when Mike Ilitch decided to drop $214 million on Prince Fielder, but four games into the season it looks like a pretty wise investment. Sure, baseball is a team game, but I would say the Cabrera-Fielder duo has been the main contributing factor in 3 out of the 4 Tigers wins. Cabrera is getting better pitches to hit because Prince is batting behind him and he is simply crushing the ball. I know that if I were an opposing pitcher, I would be scared out of my mind to pitch to this dynamic duo. There isn't a better 3-4 punch in baseball right now (other than maybe Josh Hamilton and Adrien Beltre in Texas), and I cannot wait to see how far Fielder and Cabrera can take this team. Personally, I would be surprised if the season didn't end in a World Series championship!